Starting from:


Gley Diane Mesh Head All Included

Diane Shape

CHKN Included

Opacity Included

Eyes Included

Lashes Included

Browns Included

Note i only sell my head textures to be derived on my derivables, using any other derivation not from my Catalog will result on a DMCA Report without warning.

Dev from any of my  derivables if u want to adapt it, just choose the cheapest!

 You will have to use my derivation but they are very cheap.

In case i dont have a kloudust shape derivable in my Catalog u are allowed to use a Kloudust Derivation, just let me know please.

Make No Lash Versions Too!

If you Need Any Help, or need lashes and more opacities for my Mesh Heads Just write me on

Derive from

IMVU Produto Diane Head MJ50 de Mikaelamj

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